Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Whats this all About - The Chase for the Diner

Grub, Garbage and Gunk is a new blog for me. It is to highlight those joints we call Diners that I have visited. What do I expect from this blog, really nothing. There are much better places on the Web that document and review places like this. I just have a thing about Diners and have a really hard time passing them by. I may even throw in a BBQ joint or two, too. For those places I have had a bite, I will throw in my .02 on the food, what my experience was like and anything else I feel like saying.

This chasin down Diners all started with a now defunct on line motorcycle community called The Diner. Someone threw up a contest on who could ride their bike to the most diners. I blew the competition away and then the Chase was on for other stuff, National Parks, Landmarks, National Grand Tours, etc etc. But for the most part I still stop and take pictures of Diners, run in and see if they have a cup with their name on it to buy or maybe even a T-Shirt. I have a closet full of them and I am too scared to wear most of them because mustard seems to permanently stain. If it is around a meal time MeAsWe and I look for these places to stop at for a meal. I just really love Diners.

So enjoy and come along for the grub and ride.


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